Let it Go: Pre-printed Planners {No picture, they've already been released!}
Grow: Using Emily McGee's Master Time Management Mini-Course and my own creation of 5:2 Weekly Review.
I am really testing illusions lately. I have this wonderful vision of time and space that is open and free without the demands of a schedule, routine and responsibility. Yeah, this is not my current reality, but one of my greatest dreams is to have my work caught up and have the luxury of nothing to do, with abundant possibilities present.
The theme of March was travel/adventure. I really enjoyed it and it's made me appreciate the foundation that was created in January and February. April's theme could be "Spring Coil." Things are wound tight and there's a lot to do! It feels like there is way more to do than the time available to work in. I've been struggling a bit with how to get everything done, but I've proven to myself that it always does get done. What I am letting of is my perception of not having enough time and instead capitalizing on the time I do have and using it more productively.
I've always used some sort of calendar or planner to keep myself on track. I was perpetually buying new calendars and planners and then endued up not using them. This was a waste of money and materials. I hesitated to make up my own system, because I was stuck in the belief that someone "out there" had already created the perfect system and all I had to do was find it.....
Here was the old scene:
*overwhelm and stress creeping into my zen-like state
*go online and look for a planner so I could write everything down
*spend way too much time searching for "just the right one"
*use for a couple of weeks
*go back to a notebook when things got busy
*kick myself for buying another planner
*still somehow get stuff done
After repeated times of using someone else's planner method and it never working out, I finally stopped. I asked what I really needed, what would the ideal planner, calendar, journal FOR ME, look like? I knew I needed something free-flowing, creative, and flexible. I bought a blank notebook and started playing with layouts. (The funny thing is, they change each week. I never seem to do the same one twice!)
What I've created is part journal, part schedule, part to-do, sometimes a brain dump, and memory book, and dream catcher. The result is an organic, messy, coffee stained system that works really well for me. It's mid-sized, not too big, not too small. I do have a pocket size notebook that I haven't let go of yet. I love the size, but I find that I need something with a bit more space for weekly and monthly lay-outs. Letting Go of continually buying calendars and trusting myself to create something more fitting seems really simple, but for whatever reason, I made it difficult. As a result, I am seeing an increase in my productivity.
What I do now:
*employ bullet journaling
*print of free, blank calendars, add to journal
*create a monthly target page
*identify three month energetic priorities
*list out all events and to-do's (in a notebook)
*prioritize targets for the day
*nightly assessment, write targets for the next day
*keep upcoming tasks/to-dos on a sticky note. I only write these down when they become priorities, sometimes they don't!
*track progress
*Step away from planning, build in decompression days
*5:2 weekly review
*Attack Targets Monday-Thursday
This week's Creative Growth Step is a refinement of my to-do list. I've also added two growth steps.
#1 I applied Emily McGee's, My Adaptable Career lessons to refine my bullet journaling practice for to-do's. She offers a Master Time Management mini-course for FREE! One of the most fantastic lessons was on prioritizing to-do's. I was already listing out my to-do's, but Emily shared the idea of prioritizing. I've adapted the lesson to fit my needs right now. And since I have a lot going on, I list my 1 TARGET for the day and 3-5 additional tasks. I have a daily priority list for HOME and CAREER.
I wanted to start tracking (and CELEBRATING) my progress. (Previous posts highlighted that I tend to skip over accomplishments that put me in a perpetual state of always trying to do more. To alleviate that, I started a tracking system. Here's what it looks like:
Notice the blanks at the top of the page. Yep. That was the week when I was hit with a nasty sinus infection. I didn't walk so the top half of the square was not filled. I also didn't get in the full 64 oz of water that is my target so I didn't fill the bottom half in. Goals. I also want to be completely transparent in my progress (or lack thereof).
#2 Growth Step: The 5:2 Weekly Review is where I list Five Wins for the week. These are targets I've hit, good things that have happened, memories, new insights, and/or fun surprises that I want to highlight. I also list list two areas where I can redirect my focus and bring up to par. These may be continual daily, weekly or monthly targets or actions that I really dropped the ball with, that need more attention. It could me more than one, but I keep this area pretty concise.
I watch for areas that I feel I fall short in and write about them. From this writing I can see where to direct my focus. I don't over-focus, but if there's something that is causing me to feel agitation, I will journal and "brain dump" it in a notebook. From there I will identify what it is that I can change/shift/revisit and work on a game plan. I typically identify one or two areas that I want to work on. I will write a short summary in my planner and a more in-depth one in my PON (plain old notebook!)
Thursday night has become my planning night. There's no science or why, it just seems like a natural and supportive night for assessment: By this night my targets are:
- papers taken care of: bills paid, receipts filed, correspondence answered
- counters cleaned off
- fridge cleaned out
- floors vacuumed
- laundry washed, folded and put away
- dishes washed and placed back in cupboard
- clothes packed and ready for departure
Keeping an on-going journal has certainly supported the hypothesis that I am busy (not just in my head, there's proof!) and it serves as a reminder of how much I do squeeze into a day. If there's something I really want to change, I have to look at how I am spending my days, assess my choices, clarify what to Let Go of (habit/belief) and then take creative steps to Grow something else in that space. {What time sucks, limiting habits or unsupportive beliefs am I ready to let go of now?} {What am I ready to create and experience now?}
Space is space. We can't make more of it. We can't make more time. We have what we have. However, we also have the ability to uncreate, release and Let Go of what is in that space. We can clear and cultivate inner/outer spaces, which allow our "seeds" (targets, dreams) to GROW and purposely live a life that LIGHTS US UP!
How do you track your time? What are your favorite ways to keep yourself on track and get things done? I'd love to hear about what is working for you.
If you'd like to share what Lights You Up, what you are Letting Go or what your steps to Growth look like right now, join me on instagram @robynreece15 and use the #LLGApril18.
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